Gamers is now on Thursdays!! Our First Night Back will be September 12th!
Program Details
Monday Evenings 7-10pm
Ages 15+
A while back we asked a question; What did the young people in our community want out of our facility? After lots of fun answers and prayer, we realized there was a niche audience not being recognized in the area. High school students having to rent out classrooms, young adults trying to manage newfound responsibilities while still holding onto hobbies, groups of people with nerdy passions finding it hard for those needs to be met.
So here we are with a big building, lots of tables/screens/plugins…why not offer them a safe, love-filled environment to gathering and build a community?! What we’ve found, is that people with different yet still “nerdy” interests, coming together to build each other up and find a place of their own.
Twice a year, we join with a local group to host three day gaming event called Etherlan. It encompasses everything from tabletops (Warhammer, MtG, etc) to videogames (CoD, Smash Bros, etc), to board games (Settlers of Catan, Crokinole, etc.), and even feats of physical strength for special awards!
For more info you can check out their official website